
You have always been a good math student throughout your school years—you’ve always got good grades and enjoyed solving problems. You may have even dreamt of being a physicist, computer scientist, or mathematician. So you thought it would be a good idea to take algebra in high school.

However, you now find that algebra is a whole new ball game—sometimes, you’re just not sure that the solution you get for a problem is the correct one. At other times, you just don’t know how the textbook or your teacher arrived at a particular solution. This shouldn’t be happening—after all, in math, an answer is correct or incorrect and solutions to problems can easily be worked out, given enough practice. There should be no room for uncertainty.

You’re seriously worried—and for someone who’s good at math, you’re thinking of giving up algebra! Just think of this—if you’re thinking of giving up algebra despite your mathematical abilities, how do you think the other kids in algebra class, who may not be so good at math, feel?

This is where Softmath’s Algebrator can help you. Developed by university-level algebra teachers and education psychologists, Algebrator shows you, step after step, how to solve an algebra problem. You can enter your own expressions and inequalities into Algebrator, and use it to solve equations and simplify expressions. Math students have found that the step-by-step approach used in Algebrator helps them understand the problem and the procedure used to solve it, and check the solutions that they have arrived at independently. Many parents state that Algebrator has helped their children improve their algebra grades tremendously, because of the step-by-step approach and the context-sensitive explanations provided.

Algebrator, now known as AlgebraSolver, features a user-friendly interface where students can enter problems; a step-by-step display of the solution; context-sensitive explanations for problems; a template-based exam generator; an interactive solution checker; and a solution process developed by teachers. Math teachers have also used this software to generate problems and tests that their students can solve!

You can check out an online demo of this reasonably-priced software at http://www.algebrasolver.com/ and purchase it online, on CD or via download. AlgebraSolver comes with a refund offer—if you find that your understanding of algebra has not improved and your knowledge of basic math concepts has not deepened, you can send the software back to us and get back what you paid for it.

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